Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Sedang mendengar

Kugiran matahari terbit ini masih mengekalkan corak yang sama seperti album yang lepas tetapi sedikit penambahan baru dari segi "timing" dan "attack" untuk lagu "0 and 1".Lagu feveret aku dari album ini pastilah "a breath clad in happiness".Peminat-peminat dari kelompok genre post rock dan hardcore selepas ini pasti akan bersahabat baik setelah mendengar rilisan terbaru Envy ini,Recitation.

Macam biasa, cedok sikit daripada wikipedia :

A recitation is a presentation made by a student to demonstrate knowledge of a subject or to provide instruction to others. In some academic institutions the term is used for a presentation by a teaching assistant (TA) or instructor, under the guidance of a senior faculty, that supplements course materials. In recitations that supplement lectures, the leader will often review the lecture, expand on the concepts, and carry on a discussion with the students.

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